Increase your visibility
This was my first ever personal branding photography shoot and I absolutely loved it!
Gail Grace is an amazing life coach who works with busy stressed mums who want a happier and healthier work life balance. Her work focuses on self care, creating new ways of thinking and practices that ensure personal wellbeing is priority. Gail started her business after quitting her corporate job due to stress and anxiety. Through coaching she learnt how to prioritise her life and that meant giving the right amount of care to looking after herself and this in turn improved her work and family life.
Gail wanted personal branding photography to use on her website and social media that really reflected the balance in her personal and work life. Gail and her husband Jason have two young children and as a busy working mum it was important to include her family in her branding photos. And the family element was also very special for me as Gail is my sister-in-law, married to my big brother and it was lovely to have Jason and the kids join us on the shoot.
The location for the shoot was a stunning country house belonging to Gail & Jason’s friends and they very kindly offered up their home for the day for us to use. And wow what incredible house it was offering great variety for the photographs inside and out. In deciding what to wear for her shoot Gail hired a personal stylist to help her choose her outfits and she looked utterly gorgeous. She had a few outfits changes in the shoot and the style and colours of the clothes all worked perfectly with the location.
I really enjoyed working with Gail, understanding her business ethos and being able to capture all the different elements in her photos. It’s great to know that Gail can use these photos to elevate her visibility enabling clients connect with her and improve their lives. In the online world that we live in theses days it’s more important than ever to have a presence and voice. Personal branding photographing allows your ideal client to understand exactly who you are as a person and how you can help them. At the heart it’s portrait photography, looking into a person and reflecting what you see through the lens, it’s a really magical thing. I throughly enjoyed Gail’s personal branding photography shoot and I look forward to doing lots more shoots like this in the future.
If you’re a small business owner based in Surrey or the surrounding areas and you’d like to increase you’re visibility with fresh, exciting brand photography that reflects who you are then contact me and tell me all about you.
Gail Grace – True You Coaching – https://trueyoucoaching.co.uk/
Styling – Léa Vendrami
Hair and Make Up – www.jessicashorthairandmakeup.com