Tipi Festival Wedding | Jessie & Charlie
Jessie and Charlie’s tipi festival wedding held on the grounds of Highfield and Brookham School was simply incredible! Jessie and Charlie both work at the school so it was the perfect location for their wedding day. From our first meeting I knew ‘Millsomefest’ was going to be one of those special weddings that just keep giving and it certainly delivered. They nailed all the small details and added loads of personal touches that transformed the school field into their dream wedding reception. Add to this that Jessie and Charlie are superstars, two of the loveliest, kindest people I’ve had the pleasure of working with, this truly was an awesome wedding! The ceremony was held at the school chapel, an intimate building that seemed to glow from within making the perfect setting for those important words to be spoken. Outside the chapel Charlie was cool as a cucumber welcoming in all the guests just before Jessie arrived like a rockstar in her dads Land Rover. Jessie looked stunning as she walked up the aisle on the arm of her father smiling evert inch of the way. They each read vows they’d written for another which is always a touching moment and as the emotion took hold was no holding back the tears. They soon return to smiles of joy as the newly weds marched back down the aisle to begin married life and let the celebrations begin. There was music coming from the tipi and it was time for the festival to begin….and also the heavy rain. Good thing about summer rain is that is doesn’t last too long and soon the sun burst through the clouds allowing the guests out on the grass enjoying drinks, ice-creams, and games. The party continued from there and didn’t stop. I absolutely loved everything about this tipi festival wedding and most of all the amazing couple at the centre of it all. Massive congratulations to Jessie & Charlie xx
If you’re looking for a photographer for your festival wedding I’d love to hear all about your exciting plans, get in touch via my contact form to check my availability.